N Seguros
Brand strategy
Brand purpose
Brand story
Brand guidelines
Brand ID system
Communication planning
Branded content
Brand activation
Social media management
A human brand
believes in second chances.
N Seguros is a 100% digital Insurance company, focused on delivering convenient, simple and competitive online insurance to its clients.

This Insurtech’s brand is defined by its youthful and irreverent positioning, both graphically and verbally, anchored in the concept “Poupa-me” (loosely translated as “spare me” — from wasting time, from hassle and from costly expenses), that encapsulates the brand’s confidant, easy-going and humorous personality.
Helping people live life safely to its fullest, in the easiest way possible, without skimping on emotion. By saving people time and money with straightforward digital products, without the endless red tape and complex jargon, N Seguros helps make life easy, empowering its clients to live confidently.
To raise awareness for N Seguros’ products and the “Poupa-te” concept through branded content. We needed a word-of-mouth worthy stunt to launch “Poupa-te” concept, capable of increasing brand awareness and interest in the company’s products, growing social media reach and help building the brand’s online community. The challenge was to push the concept forward, to promote the brand’s purpose (helping live life safely to its fullest, easily) and N Seguros’ insurance without ever mentioning it, creating buzz through branded content that would establish a stronger relation with the audience through an engaging and exciting dialogue with the consumer.
The comeback of Portugal's biggest viral star. In 2011, a video of a spectacular skateboard fall went viral in Portugal and made the expression “Get out of the way, Guedes” famous. Who doesn't remember it? It was one of the first and probably the biggest viral moment in the country — even reaching the national TV News — at a time when “viral videos” weren’t even a thing. So, we decided to revive this legendary scene and give it the comeback it deserved with N Seguros. And, at the end of the day, help restoring the skateboarder’s pride and confidence after more than a decade. We went looking for Hélio, the fearless skateboarder, and challenged him to get back on the skateboard and attempt an epic descent, but this time well protected by N Seguros. In a 5-episode web documentary — broadcast on N Seguros Social Media pages — the audience watched Hélio once again, his current job as a Chef, his life, family and friends. Week after week, we followed his training, physical and psychological transformation, teasing fans and releasing new episodes until the very last one: a striking success, his redemption.
N Seguros conquered a wave of awareness and new followers, with relevant content aligned with the brand's attitude. Throughout 2 months, we engaged with the brand’s community (that was raving about this comeback on the comment section, calling Hélio a hero and a star!) with relatable content, promoting the company and its products with a thrilling and non-promotional storytelling that resulted in a huge positive feedback and goodwill for the brand.
A true and inspiring redemption story.
"Comeback", "Challenge", "Journey", "Practice", "The Day Before" and the "Descent", watch all 5 episodes at N Seguros' website by clicking the image above.
Hélio decided to make a 180º turn in his life seizing this redemption opportunity to put his future, literally and safely, on wheels. He signed up to the gym, began a strict diet and gained confidence with every pound he lost. He also took his skateboarding lessons seriously (as seriously as possible) making this epic mini-series as memorable as his first video.
We’ve increased N Seguros’ connection with its community like never before, with an authentic storyline that strengthened the brand’s purpose with non-commercial compelling content, filled with humor, action and suspense that left the audience eagerly waiting for the next episode.

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